Small RNAs are on the move
Trans-kingdom Cross-Talk: Small RNAs on the Move
9/4/2014 · This review focuses on the mobility of small RNA (sRNA) molecules from the perspective of trans-kingdom gene silencing. Mobility of sRNA molecules within organisms is a well-known phenomenon, facilitating gene silencing between cells and tissues. sRNA signals are also transmitted between organisms ...
Small RNAs are on the move - Share and discover research
A key feature of RNA interference is its ability to spread from cell to cell. Such non-cell-autonomous gene silencing has been characterized extensively in both plants and animals, but the ...
(PDF) Trans-kingdom Cross-Talk: small RNAs on the Move
Host-induced gene silencing (HIGS) is an RNA interference-based approach in which small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) are produced in the host plant and subsequently move into the pathogen to silence ...
Small RNAs are on the move - [PDF Document]
REVIEW doi:10.1038/nature09351 Small RNAs are on the move Daniel H. Chitwood1 & Marja C. P. Timmermans2 A key feature of RNA interference is its ability to spread from…
Small RNAs are on the move. - CAB Direct
Several recent studies now shed light on the identity of this signal in plants, and indicate that small RNA molecules - from short-interfering RNAs to microRNAs - are …
small RNAs are on move_百度文库 -
small RNAs are on move_自然科学_专业资料 暂无评价|0人阅读|0次下载 | 举报文档. small RNAs are on move_自然科学_专业资料。REVIEW Small RNAs are on the move Daniel H. Chitwood1 & Marja C. P. Timmermans2 doi:10.1038/nature0
Small RNAs are on the move - CSHL Scientific Digital ...
Abstract. A key feature of RNA interference is its ability to spread from cell to cell. Such non-cell-autonomous gene silencing has been characterized extensively in both plants and animals, but the identity of the mobile silencing signal has remained elusive.
Trans-kingdom Cross-Talk: Small RNAs on the Move (pdf ...
This review focuses on the mobility of small RNA (sRNA) molecules from the perspective of trans-kingdom gene silencing. Mobility of sRNA molecules within organisms is a well-known phenomenon, facilitating gene silencing between cells and tissues. sRNA signals are also transmitted between organisms of the same species and of different species.
Small RNAs are on the move_百度文库 - …
Small RNAs are on the move_生物学_自然科学_专业资料 暂无评价 | 0人阅读 | 0次下载 | 举报文档 Small RNAs are on the move_生物学_自然科学_专业资料。
RNA on the move: The plasmodesmata perspective - ScienceDirect
It is now widely accepted that plant RNAs can have effects at sites far away from their sites of synthesis. Cellular mRNA transcripts, endogenous small RNAs and defense-related small RNAs all move from cell to cell via plasmodesmata (PD), and may even move long distances in the phloem.